Welcome to members

Welcome letter to the East Anglian Garden Group Website!

We were founded over 50 years ago by some of East Anglia's leading horticulturalists. We hold illustrated lectures with speakers who are nationally known and experts in all aspects of cultivation and design.


We arrange outings to gardens or places of special horticultural interest, sometimes by coach, and on other occasions with car share. These usually have a small charge to cover costs, but they make a wonderful day out, sharing beautiful places with like-minded people. During the summer we hold our annual evening Summer Social, in a lovely garden, which is always a well- attended event.

I hope that you will be able to come to the lectures, where there is always a delicious tea. Speaking of which, members are invited to bring along a home-made cake, or sandwiches, as a contribution, if possible. The timetable for talks and visits are shown on this site, on the events page. I think you will find our garden trips make an informative and exclusive day out.

My garden Pasque flower Easter 20.jpg

We also have a plant stall, where members bring along any spare plants or seedlings they may have, and we do ask that these arrive labelled; The plants help raise funds towards speakers and visits.

We are always grateful for any new faces on the committee, or to help with other things, like setting up for meetings, help with teas etc. So if you would like to be a bit more involved, do speak to any member of the committee. I am looking forward to welcoming you when we meet again, and if you have any questions, or suggestions do get in touch. I hope very much that you enjoy your membership.



EAGG Holiday 2023


Chairman’s letter Spring 2024