Erica Legge


Erica was chairman of EAGG up until she took a break to get married, but is now back! Her speciality is arranging the EAGG annual holiday, among many other contributions

I have a passionate love for gardens and gardening, gained from my mother at an early age at home, where I had my own little patch in the the family garden. Although completely untrained, my enthusiasm and love of plants has seen me through the creation of many gardens through my life. With a background in Interior Design, I suppose I transfer principles from that, to the outside space. I tend to move house quite regularly which has given me the chance to develop ideas, inspired from visits to other far more beautiful gardens than my own. I am particularly keen on scented herbaceous borders.
Professionally, I have worked in the garden accessory industry, both wholesale and in retail with my own businesses. Now retired, I am creating another garden, at our new home in Long Melford.
EAGG has taught me so much more, and where I have been privileged to meet so many marvellous gardeners who are always so generous with their knowledge!


Maggie Thorpe


Fiona Pearson